Pelleting equipment is similar to pelleting machines used to produce equal sizes, weights, and shapes of pellets. Pelleting equipment also comprises the different materials you may need to produce a given type of pellet. The equipment allows you to create a consistent shape and size of pellets. If you are looking to get specific pelleting equipment, you may click here to learn more about the desired equipment.

The wood material is usually squeezed out through die holes and cooled out to produce specific pellets. The extruded pellets come out in continuous lengths, evenly cut to form a consistent size and length. The shorter lengths are manageable and may be packaged in designated packaging bags.  

What is the purpose of pelleting?

The primary purpose of pelleting is to make the finely divided sawdust or other material into larger and manageable pieces with the help of moisture, pressure, or heat. When the sawdust or other material are bound together, they become easy to manage. They may either be used for feeding animals or heating the furnace through combustion. Pellets have many other uses apart from feeding and heating the furnace, including the production of electrical energy.

When pelleting is done to produce feeds, they are believed to provide the livestock with more gains than eating a typical meal. As such, there are three reasons for the unmatched benefit. First, the pellets are more digestible because of the heat generated during the production of the pellets. Second, they are more concentrated in nutrients than the normal meal in their compact form. Third, there is minimal wastage of food when the livestock is eating.

How does a pelleting machine work?

Ingredients enter the feeder of the pelleting machine, which regulates the flow of the material into the pellet mill using a screw feeder with a variable speed. As the variable feeder rotates, it draws material evenly along the length of the inlet opening. Steam is not allowed into the feeder bin since it is regulated by a part known as the shroud.

The variable speed feeder can be adjusted automatically or manually, thus helping in the provision of a consistent regulated and even flow of material into the conditioner. At this stage, the ingredients are mixed thoroughly with steam or other recommended liquid. The primary function of the steam is to soften the material, while the moisture is meant to give lubrication.

The conditioned feed flows by gravity into the die cavity. The rollers press the conditioned material through cylindrical ring-type die holes. Stationary knives then break off the finished dense pellets mounted to the pallet. The pellets leave the pelleting machine by gravity, where they are cooled and collected, ready for packaging.

How do you use rice husk pellets?

Rice husk pellets are used as fuel in power plants. Several power plants are designed to be powered by rice husks pellets. The pellets are as well used to fuel boilers and stoves. Most importantly, they are used for animal bedding because of their drying ability.



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